29 April 2011

The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett

In honour of the royal wedding, I felt compelled to do something. Sadly, I had no idea what that something might be. Well, when in doubt ... go to the library, I always say. So off I went. And what did I find? I found 'The Uncommon Reader'. And, to honour the royal wedding, I read it.

(Mom? Are you reading this? I need you to stop reading this and get yourself to a library to sign out this book. You will love it!! And it is short enough that you still have time to finish it before the wedding.)

What does this gem of a novella have to do with royalty, you ask? Well, let's think. Who do you suppose would be the un'common'est of readers? That's right - Her Majesty the Queen. 
Alan Bennett takes great liberties with the life and personality of the Queen and the result is a delightful, funny story that, I'd like to think, the Queen herself would enjoy tremendously!

I loved the portrayal of the Queen as a real person. Any bibliophile will enjoy her first steps as a novice reader and the chaos that ensues. I'll admit that I laughed so much my cheeks actually hurt. Thank you Mr. Bennett for bringing the royals into my home for tea. It was delightful!

1 comment:

  1. Now I'll definitely read this. If a book can make a person laugh so much their cheeks hurt...yeah.


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