1 November 2011

monkey wrench

I have a few things on the go for the blog this week but all has just been put on hold. I will be announcing winners and posting promised reviews and interviews but they may be late. My 16 year old daughter was admitted to the hospital today with some kind of neurological disorder. I will, obviously, be busy with her for the near future and this other stuff will be taking a back seat. Hopefully I'll be back soon.


  1. :( I'm sorry. I hope everything is alright. Best wishes!

  2. Oh no, I hope she will be ok. Hugs to you and your family

  3. Life has a way of throwing those money wrenches at you. I sincerely hope your daughter heals quickly. My best thoughts are with you.

  4. Forgot to mention that when you're back and your daughter is home and well, hope you'll stop by the Write Game and pick up your Award.

    Again, my best to you and your family.

  5. First time visiting here - over from C. Lee McKenzie's blog. Sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she is all better soon.

  6. Wishing you and your family strength and your daughter a speedy recovery,
    Alon Shalev

  7. hope your girl does better get her taken care of

  8. I hope that your daughter is doing better and that the doctors know whats going on and can treat her. My thoughts are with you both!

  9. My prayers are with you and your family! I hope your daughter is alright soon! Please let us know.

  10. Oh Dana, my thoughts are with you!

  11. Hi I just stopped by to catch up as I hadn't visited for awhile. I'm sorry to hear your news and wish you and your daughter all the best.
    Lindsay x


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