7 January 2012

Blog of the Week: a thousand books with quotes

One of the things I discovered after I decided to create a book blog, is that there are LOTS of them already out there and more added every day. Most of them are amazing and all of them have their own special focus and flavor. This week, I encourage all of you to check out a thousand books with quotes.

Why I love it:
This blog is different. The blogger reads fabulous books and then, instead of reviewing them, per se, she posts a variety of quotes from the book and lets you make up your own mind. There are never any spoilers and she also includes a blurb about the plot. There are lots of sidebar links to explore and the look of the blog itself is fresh and light. Plus, I love the picture that heads the blog (the one on the right of this post. Isn't it fabulous?) which was taken by the blogger herself.

So if you have a little time on your hands this week and want to explore something new, I suggest giving this blog a visit.


  1. What an honor! You made my birthday month!! What a great surprise! Thanks so much.

  2. A very cool idea for a blog :)

  3. Book Quoter - you are welcome. You do a great job.
    Blodeuedd - it is cool. Check it out.

  4. I love this idea. While I appreciate reviews, I get a bit tired of reading them. I'd really prefer to decide if I like something on my own.

    Thanks so much for this and thanks for visiting the Write Game to say hi. I really appreciate followers and readers and those who comment . . .a lot!

  5. Great recogntion post, I agree. Amazing how you can decide if you want to read a book from all the quotes she chooses.


Here's your chance to voice your opinion. We all have them. I'd love to hear yours. I try to respond to all comments so please check back if you are interested in that.