21 March 2012

It's Spring!!

Happy Spring!! Yesterday, in my part of the world, was the first day of spring. That doesn't actually mean winter is over for us - in fact we are under a weather warning for a big snow tonight, but somehow the air feels warmer and 'spring fever' is in the air. That means everyone around has gone a little crazy. Kids are harder to control. Even though it barely gets above freezing, I have started to go outside barefoot just because I can. Teenage boys are wearing shorts to school on mornings when the temperature is still -7C (about 19F). We are just sick of winter and ready to embrace the warmer weather: even if it's not quite here.

In honour of all of this, I hope you enjoy this poem by Emily Dickinson:
A little madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even for the King,
But God be with the Clown —
Who ponders this tremendous scene —
This whole Experiment of Green —
As if it were his own!
So I challenge all of you to do something a little mad today to welcome Spring!


  1. Lol, you guys are crazy.

    We do not have springdate. It's more that spring is here when it has stayed above 0c for a week. But the prognosis is for March 28th. Even if the =c wont happpen

  2. Happy Spring! It was a lovely first day of spring here. I hope it stays that way!


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