7 September 2011

Reiser's Ramblings by Father Bernard Reiser

When I was approached with the request to review this book, there was no way I could say no. ALL proceeds from the sales of 'Reiser's Ramblings' go to Reiser Relief Inc which in turn goes to relief efforts in Haiti.

To start with, you may be interested in the fact that I am not Catholic. I do, however, have a strong belief that we can learn from all religions and points of view if we keep our minds and hearts open. Father Reiser gives us lots to consider in this collection of his columns written over time. The columns are separated into six sections: Early Life and Key Influences; The Wonder of God's Creation; Our Place in God's World; Counting Our Blessings; God's Grace at Work Within Us; All Eyes on Heaven. Each column is titled and short. So we end up with a lovely book of short, easily read reminiscences and edifying stories and thoughts.

If I could offer some advice for those of you that decide to pick up this book it would be this: don't read it all at once. There is so much packed into these few pages that it requires the reader to ponder the message and meaning in each column and how, or if, it applies to each individual life. If you are one of those people who engages in daily devotionals, this book would be a lovely addition to that time in your day. Consider such topics as 'freedom is a basic right of humanity' (pg 82) and 'small annoyances can rub like sandpaper' (pg 192). There are words of wisdom on each topic, and direction from a humble servant of God.

'Reiser's Ramblings' is straightforward and worthwhile. Sort of like a combination of listening to your Grandfather's stories, and advice and a visit with your spiritual leader.


  1. I do not know..is it preachy? I can do preachy, just not preachy saying nice things but still with that undertone that there is only one way

  2. Not preachy, Blodeuedd. Lots of references to God but not trying to convert - just with love and gratitude and where to look in difficuly times.

  3. I think it is so awesome that you are so open-minded. It's hard to argue with any book where all the proceeds to go to help people in need. LOVES it!


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