8 February 2012

Lucy's Song

This week Charles Dickens would have turned 200 (had he lived). So let's start our poetry Thursday with a quote from the man himself:
"Poetry makes life what lights and music do the stage." - Charles Dickens (The Pickwick Papers)
 I guess Mr Dickens' meant what he said. Besides the impressive collection of books he authored, he also wrote poetry. In honour of his birthday (which was Feb 7, for those of you who missed it), today's poem is:

by: Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
      OW beautiful at eventide
      To see the twilight shadows pale,
      Steal o'er the landscape, far and wide,
      O'er stream and meadow, mound and dale!
      How soft is Nature's calm repose
      When ev'ning skies their cool dews weep:
      The gentlest wind more gently blows,
      As if to soothe her in her sleep!
      The gay morn breaks,
      Mists roll away,
      All Nature awakes
      To glorious day.
      In my breast alone
      Dark shadows remain;
      The peace it has known
      It can never regain.


  1. I've never come across Dickens poetry before. This one's lovely.I must look up more of them.

  2. I have never read any poetry by Dickens either :)

  3. Same with me, didn't know Dickens had written poetry. Thanks Dana!


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